Collecting Contact Lens Cases


By: Jemma Nanami Kamphuis


Hi, my name is Jemma Nanami Kamphuis, and I am a first year DP student.Today, I will talk about my CAS project which stands for Creative Active Service. For one of my CAS projects, I decided to collect contact lense cases in school to help recycle plastic products. This has been an ongoing activity which was first started by my senpai, with small contact lens boxes placed on every floor for students & teachers to donate at. Some people may be familiar with the boxes, but I realized that some were also not.


こんにちは。DP一年生のキャンピスジェマ七海です。今日は、DPの学習の一環であるCAS プロジェクトで私が行った活動について詳しく話したいと思います。今回紹介するCASプロジェクトは、校内でコンタクトレンズのケースを集め、それらを団体に寄付するという活動です。これは、先輩が初めに立ち上げた活動で、以前から校内には小さなコンタクトケースの回収箱が各階に設置されていました。一部の生徒はその事を知り、寄付をしてくださっていたのですが、もっと多くの人に知って貰いたいという思いから私も活動を始め、協力する事を決意しました。

Photo from the event. 実際のブースの写真です

For my first big move in this project, my plan was to raise awareness on school grounds by talking in assemblies. However, due to the impact from Covid- 19, our school went online, and this was no longer possible. After a little while, we were back at school, and I was lucky enough to find out that our school culture festival, “Kaikyousai,” was being held this year. Given this opportunity, my friend Juni and I made a booth for the culture festival trying to raise awareness on the issue, as well as collect contact lense cases.




P.S. Thank you so much to those who came in, and donated their contact lense cases during the 2 days of Kaikyousai. Your donation is much appreciated.

Some difficulties that I realized during this was that, even though contact lens cases are familiar to a lot of us, people tend to get rid of them. One of the teachers in school took interest in the activity, but she also mentioned that she has gotten rid of all of them, not knowing how much damage they would cause. So, I realized that even though there are posters around school, and materials posted in the classroom, it was not enough to draw attention to the issue.



Since our booth at the school culture festival was a success, I am also looking for other opportunities where we can hold a contact lens case drive in the near future. Preferably, it would be outside of school, because it would attract different people, but because of the current situation, starting another project inside of school would also be a great start.

