Oxford Big Read at KNG

By: Haruka Tani, Senmei Fu, and Yuna Henke

The Oxford Big Read is a contest where we design a poster that is based on an Oxford reader book, along with a summary and a recommendation written in English. All of the first graders in our school created posters for the competition.These posters were then narrowed down to five contestants by our art and homeroom teachers to officially be entered into the competition. Many students chose books in the genre that they liked, or by the book’s aesthetic appeal.


Starting from the summer holidays, we worked on creating these posters. Although there were a lot of parts where we struggled; our art teacher gave us suggestions on how to make it better. What most people found difficult was how to create a poster with originality, and many of us struggled to consistently add on to our posters. There were times where we chatted with friends and still had no idea what to do next. In the end, everyone managed to complete their artwork, and we are proud to say that each poster was a unique piece of art.

Before starting the actual project, our art teacher handed us “ Big Read Booklets” to guide us through the process of creating our posters. Our first three tasks were given during the summer holidays. We first chose a book from the Oxford reader books to read and wrote a summary and recommendation for it. Then, we moved on to researching art styles that we thought would match our book’s theme. This was mainly a requirement for the competition, as we had to incorporate an art style into our posters, though it greatly assisted in making the posters look more harmonious. Lastly, we had to come up with three drafts and sketched them into our booklets. In our first art class of the second semester, we moved on to sketching our preferred draft onto the actual poster paper. For the remaining classes, we focused on colouring our sketches. The majority of people started working with paints, markers, and coloured pencils to create a colourful poster that stands out.

Everyone worked exceptionally hard, and when the due date neared, many people often stayed after school in the art room to continue working on their posters. When all the posters were finished, they were all put on the whiteboard, and just looking at each piece of work really made us feel that effort pays off.  


This project allowed us to experience the entire process of creating as an artist, and whether we were happy with the outcome or not, we all learned the importance of creativity and trusting the process. Through this process, we have learned to be consistent with our work and to always ask our fellow classmates and teachers for advice when we can.

Thoughts on the Big Read Project

By Yuna Henke

While making this poster, I mainly focused on the artistic aspect of it. I did deep research into my art style and my artist and learnt that depending on how you stroke your brush, it can largely impact on how your colours will blend. By watching videos I found on my research, I got more familiar with the art style that I wanted to use for my poster. I also made sure that after I finished my poster, I looked back at it making sure that I added all the details that I wanted.

オックスフォード・ビッグ・リードは、オックスフォード・リーダーの本を題材に、英語で書かれた要約と推薦文をポスターにして展示するコンテストです。本校では1年生全員がポスターを作成し、美術と担任の先生によって気に入った5つのポスターに絞られ、正式にコンテストに参加することになりました。私たちはこの課題に夏休みから取り組んでいました。苦労した部分もありましたが、美術の先生からアドバイスをいただきながら、よりよいポスターに仕上げることができたと実感しています。みんなとても一生懸命で、期日が近くなると、多くの人が放課後も美術室に残ってポスター制作を続けました。すべてのポスターが完成すると、ホワイトボードに貼られ、それぞれの作品を見るだけで、努力が報われることを実感しました。 このプロジェクトでは、アーティストとしての創作の全過程を経験することができ、結果に満足したかどうかに関わらず、創造性の大切さ、プロセスを信頼することの重要性を学びました。このプロセスを通じて、私は自分の作品に一貫性を持たせること、そして可能な限り常にクラスメイトや先生にアドバイスを求めることの大切さを学びました。さまざまなことを主体的に学習することを意識し始めることになった良い経験だと実感しています。