
6月中旬、私たちは理化学研究所 脳神経科学研究センター(理研CBS)を訪れ、ジョシュ・
最後に、ジョハンセン博士が研究室を案内してくれ、 そこで使用されている器具を見たり、 どのような処置が行われているのかを学んだりすることができまし た。プレゼンテーションや見学を通して、生徒たちは、 行われている研究やジョハンセン博士が科学者になることを選んだ 理由について質問することができ、 好奇心や知識を広げるとともに、 職業選択の方法について理解を深めることができました。
In mid-June, we had the opportunity to visit the Riken Center for Brain Science and were given a tour around Professor Joshua Johansen’s lab. The main focus of the research being done was on how negative experiences affect neural circuits and memory formation. At Riken, we first listened to a presentation on the parts of a brain, how our brain processes fear, and how experiments were conducted on mice.

We were led to a museum with displays showing the size of brains in different animals, optical illusions to try out, and video displays explaining specific parts of the brain in more detail. Lastly, Professor Johansen took us on a tour through his lab, where we could look at the equipment being used, and learn more about the types of procedures done. Throughout the presentation and tour, students could ask questions about the research being done or why Professor Johansen chose to become a scientist- which helped us expand on our curiosity and knowledge, as well as gain a better understanding of how to choose a career.