
先生たちも学び続ける/ Teachers are lifelong learners

English follows: KNGでは先生自身も学び続けることを意識しています。年間を通して4〜5回は丸一日かけての教員研修を実施。研修というと、講義を黙って聞いてというイメージがあるかもしれませんが、ここではワークショップ形式で行い、「先生方が意見を出し合いながら学び、学校の方向性をを共有していく」ことを目的にしています。大人数、小グループでのセッションにかかわらずワイワイガヤガヤ議論。皆が意見を出しやすい文化づくりは、生徒も含めた日常の学びにも繋げたいという意図もあります。







At KNG, teachers are conscious of continuously learning themselves. Throughout the year, we conduct teacher training sessions four to five times, dedicating a whole day each time. When you hear about training, you might imagine silently listening to lectures, but here we conduct workshops. The goal is for teachers to learn while actively sharing their opinions and collectively shaping the direction of the school.

Whether in large groups or small sessions, lively discussions take place, fostering a culture where everyone can easily express their opinions. The intention is to connect this culture-building to the daily learning experiences of students. The teacher in charge of planning the training is the MYP Coordinator. The theme for this training includes:

  1. Analyzing the current situation of students and figuring out how to improve the six-year curriculum to more effectively acquire knowledge and skills.

  2. Tips for career guidance and education.

  3. Developing skills for safety management and emergency response.

  4. What homeroom teachers can do to cultivate a positive homeroom culture.

The training involves group work, case studies, panel discussions, presentations, and more. The approach to learning varies for each theme, incorporating both Japanese and English (around 20% of teachers are native English speakers). We all continue to think about what good education means, aiming to create a positive and open school culture.